Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's Your Beauty Style?

1. What is your beauty style? (Natural, trendy etc.)
I do try to keep it as natural as possible for different reasons. For one thing, I hate that everyone else, mainly celebrities, is wearing globs of it (and STILL considered naturally attractive?!) and I love looking different. Another is, it's just better for your skin! I really don't have any others, except I love to experiment with makeup. When I need to dress up, even just for taking pics for fun, I love doing Audrey Hepburn's look- winged eyeliner, strong(ish) eyebrows, and light, sophisticated lips.
2. Where do you get your beauty inspiration from?
Celebrities, makeup artists' books. I read Seventeen magazine specifically for the beauty and healthy sections! Like I said, I lik to experiment, so a lot can inspire me. And whenever I see a style that captures my eye in some way, be it colorful and electric or subtle and classic, I'll usually want to try it.
3. What beauty products do you have the most of?
Eyeshadow! The artist in me loves that it's the thing that usually brings the most color to your face, on my best features. Plus it can double for eyeliner.
4. What’s your favourite/holy grail colours for:
eyes: Red (seriously! It brings out my eye color), cool greens and purples. 
lips: Katy Perry pink (magenta?), blue-red.
cheeks: Hot rosy pinks.
nails: Ruby, sapphire, jewel tones!

5. Three favourite brands of the moment:
Actually, I don't know many brands! My favorite at the moment is Hard Candy. Glittery, shocking, dark. It sounds like it should only be used for Halloween or a horror play but the tones aren't that bad. They're just a bit bold.


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