Thursday, May 21, 2015

Styles I Love: Ethereal

I'm obsessed with fantasy costumes. I'm a fantasy freak and love me some gowns, I admit. But it doesn't have to just be gowns. Sarah's awesome 80s fashion/fairy tale hybrid outfit from Labyrinth is one of my favorites, one I've always wanted to create (but good luck finding a vest like that- I sure can't!).

Sarah Williams, "Labyrinth"
I love lace, flowy skirts, circlets, ribbons, and all that good stuff so much I think I'll start making whole Style Inspiration posts dedicated to a fantasy heroine whose style I love. Lots of pictures will be provided, of course.

Princess Lili, "Legend". Plan to do a post on her!

'Fairie Tale Style' you don't see a ton of love for. Too much frill for most people, I guess. Do you have any suggestions of heroines I should feature?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Style and Beauty Icon: Isabel Lucas

This lovely Australian actor is probably my favorite style icon, beating even the whimsical, girly Taylor Swift's style. Isabel's looks are often similar- she likes dresses and lace and has an innocent, vintage look as well, but her outfits have a more decided relaxed and sometimes ethereal look. She also is usually dressed fairly modestly, so kudos to her.

Simple, modest, and feminine.
Perfect for warmer weather- and I HAVE to buy that Wild Things shirt sometime!

I have a huge thing for floral patterns over black.

Sophisticated, and without her usual pastels and earthy colors.
Her accessories are great too:

The hat is a nice touch to the floaty white gown... but that parasol is just gorgeous!
I want one of these hairbands!
With her distinct bone structure, perpetual tan, and soulful green eyes, she's got an understated but exotic beauty to her. Her hair is simple and windswept and she doesn't seem to wear much makeup.

Her look mostly works for spring and summer, but I'm going to try it any time I can!

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