Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ballet est Élégant

What nouns do you think of when you think about ballet? Wispy, delicate, feminine, elegant, soft? All of the above? Ballet-inspired clothing is quickly becoming a interest to me, as I've quickly gotten interested in ballet dancing itself. If I could afford it, I would be interested in trying it (even though The Black Swan makes it look awful), as I've definitely got the body required for it down. It's a wonderful form of dance that inspires wonderful, girly fashion.

I LOVE the yellow! The colors are much brighter than what you normally see in ballet stuff, which is a nice change.
My favorite. Selma Blair typically has excellent style, and this outfit is no exception. Tulle is gorgeous, classy, youthful yet mature, and very ballerina-esque. And it's one of my favorite colors, one I don't often see- icy yellow. Extremely flattering cut and color on her overall, and rather Audrey Hepburn too, I might add.
It's so feminine and pretty, even if it's just a loose pale pink sweater with gray skinny jeans, a cinching belt on the waist, and white ballet flats. Now, hair and makeup. Texture is important- make it curly, crimped, slightly messy, or smoother and straight, so long as it has SOME. Buns are extremely classic and can never go wrong. Braids are traditional too, and work well with buns to keep your hair out of your hair (and give you texture when you take them out!).

If you, like me, have a long, thin face, this low side chignon will look more flattering on you than a high bun like Whitney Port's or Heidi Klum's above. You can even do two.

Actually, everything about her hair and makeup screams ballerina!

OK, an opera/musical isn't exactly the same as ballet. But Emmy Rossum's hair and makeup in The Phantom of the Opera as Christine Daae is pretty close, especially in all those floaty, lacy dresses. Onstage, her makeup is light and natural- a bit of brown or purple shadow on the crease of her eye, clear gloss maybe, a little tawny blush. Her hair is pulled back and her clothing is modest. When she's with the Phantom, her makeup is darker and her clothes are more revealing, and her hair is more loose (but still beautifully curled, of course). It's almost like Natalie Portman's makeup and dresses in The Black Swan, actually (which I could also write about, but I'm choosing not to; the movie sound shorrible from the reviews and the themes and plot do not appeal to me).

Contrary to what I used to think, ballerinas wear heavy, dramatic makeup. Well, I know it must be dramatic for the audience to see, but as they're athletic dancers sweating under the lights, I assumed the makeup would be light like a professional athlete's might be. They need lots of moisturizer on the face to take in the foundation (hide imperfections) and powder (to hide the makeup's shine under the stagelights). Light shadow is typically used, with maybe a bit of black or dark brown on the crease for definition. Lots of mascara and some fake lashes are necessary so the eyes- the windows to the soul- are not hidden from the viewers; they are essential to telling the story and emotion of the ballet. Dark pink or red lipstick is needed as well, even though the ballerinas don't speak. Matching blush is often used as well, but pale, colorless skin can be done too. Black eyeliner is used mainly only over the top lid, unless it's part of a costume and lots of it and eyeshadow are used to cover the whole eye, but it must be done tastefully, not in a tacky Cherrie Currie/Taylor Momsen way.

The orange-red lips need to go, though.
With warm weather on its way, the floaty dresses, comfortable flats, pretty buns, and light colors will be awesome to try out.

Hair: The Retro Middy

I LOVE this hairstyle! Whoever Chloe's stylist is... they need to see me. It would be perfect for me if it only had some bangs. I'm actually not sure how a side part/flip would look on me but I don't like to show my high forehead; it just makes my face look longer. But on Miss Moretz, it looks devine. Normally this is a cute style similar to the gorgeous Selma Blair in Hellboy 2: The Golden Army:

Beautiful makeup and jewelry too!
Sorry, not too many good shots to use!
A short bob with a flip over one side of the face. However, Chloe's has some volumizing curls to it (which I love- curls rock and the style is extremely flattering for we heart-shaped-faced ladies), and overall it gives her healthy hair a romantic, mysterious, Classic Hollywood look to it. Must have! Any similar styles I should try?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Beauty: Jennifer Garner

As one of my favorite beauty role models (and comedic actresses), Jennifer Garner has a lot to admire. She's the epitome of natural beauty (which makes her even more attractive, in a sea of Megan Foxes and Amy Adamses who cake it on), her untraditional look is unique (which also stands out against said Megan Foxes and Amy Adamses), and her feminine, upbeat girl-next-door personality mixed with the confident, exotic beauty that shines through brightly from her attitude as well as her cheerful smile.

As you can see, she is horribly natural-looking. My favorite thing about her makeup style is that she uses it so lightly, as well as tastefully. Her beautiful, smiling hazel eyes have always been one of my favorite features. When she smiles, they're almost almond shaped. As a Summer, her coloring is cool, light, and not dramatic at all, so the two-tone eyes bring a bit of distinction to her coloring. I also love her jaw- as strange as that might sound! I love strong jaws. Her chin is sharp but not masculine, and her jawline adds a heart shape to her whole face. Her hair is always gorgeous, as you can see. As said before, I am not a fan of long hair, but I actually prefer it on her, especially when it's up in an elegant wavy style as the first photo above shows. She's always been very fit and in shape. A lot of people "hate" that she has an undefined waist (which seems to define femininity and "sexiness" as well has having massive boobs... not a pretty face or a womanly attitude I guess?), but who cares? Unlike Christina Hendricks and Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer is aging very well and always will. Two kids, and she still has the body of, at most, a 30-year-old (and she's about 40 now)! She seems to have a pretty happy life, with two happy, healthy little girls and a husband, and that really shows in her appearance.

"Beauty comes from a life well lived. If you've lived well, your smile lines are in the right places, and your frown lines aren't too bad, what more do you need?" -Jennifer Garner

Friday, March 4, 2011

Camilla Belle: The New Audrey Hepburn?

Firstly, RELAX! I'm not saying Cami's the best actor around (and while Audrey was obviously a goodactor, I think her skill was rather overrated, stemmed from her enormous charisma), I mean to say looks, style, and attitude-wise, the Belle's got it going on.

See the similaries? The beautiful, dramatic natural coloring (dark hair and eyes, cool light skin), the simple but tasteful style, the natural untraditional beauty that goes wonderfully with the classic style, the thin frames, and of course, the ability to look better than anyone else in the Little Black Dress. Camilla is also one of the very few celebrities- especially young ones- I like. She's pretty classy, desptie Taylor Swift dedicated a whole song to trashing her a la high school drama queen for 'stealing' one of the precious Jonas brothers from her. I personally don't believe that, but even so, Camilla keeps her clothes on, her mouth shut when it counts, and always looks elegant and acts sweet.

Truthfully, as we all know perfectly well, there is no real "modern" Audrey, and probably never will be. She was a vastly unique person, especially of her time, so imagine how such an epitome of class and modesty is unlikely to show up in this generation. Even when it comes to beauty and personality it's rare enough to find someone close to that. She's no A-list super celebrity about to die of fame, but she's close enough.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's Your Beauty Style?

1. What is your beauty style? (Natural, trendy etc.)
I do try to keep it as natural as possible for different reasons. For one thing, I hate that everyone else, mainly celebrities, is wearing globs of it (and STILL considered naturally attractive?!) and I love looking different. Another is, it's just better for your skin! I really don't have any others, except I love to experiment with makeup. When I need to dress up, even just for taking pics for fun, I love doing Audrey Hepburn's look- winged eyeliner, strong(ish) eyebrows, and light, sophisticated lips.
2. Where do you get your beauty inspiration from?
Celebrities, makeup artists' books. I read Seventeen magazine specifically for the beauty and healthy sections! Like I said, I lik to experiment, so a lot can inspire me. And whenever I see a style that captures my eye in some way, be it colorful and electric or subtle and classic, I'll usually want to try it.
3. What beauty products do you have the most of?
Eyeshadow! The artist in me loves that it's the thing that usually brings the most color to your face, on my best features. Plus it can double for eyeliner.
4. What’s your favourite/holy grail colours for:
eyes: Red (seriously! It brings out my eye color), cool greens and purples. 
lips: Katy Perry pink (magenta?), blue-red.
cheeks: Hot rosy pinks.
nails: Ruby, sapphire, jewel tones!

5. Three favourite brands of the moment:
Actually, I don't know many brands! My favorite at the moment is Hard Candy. Glittery, shocking, dark. It sounds like it should only be used for Halloween or a horror play but the tones aren't that bad. They're just a bit bold.

My latest obsessions: Knit Berets and Cloche Hats

Knit Berets are in style now. And I finally have something to hide under during bad hair days. The the hole-ier, the better, to me! Slouchy is a good look, as long as it doesn't look like an old scarf wrapped around your head and is about to droop off. aAs is my habit, I tend to prefer them in neutrals like gray and black (the cotton one I got from Rue 21 is great, with a nice stripey pattern), but I've seen some gorgeous sapphire and garnet colored ones too. These are good for, like I said, bad hair days (see Rihanna), but they bring a casual-chic/artsiness to any outfit, though obviously, I emphasize "casual" and don't recommend them for weddings and Prom and such.

Cloche hats! The ladies' rage of the Roaring 20's. Now, this is vintage I can wear. Sadly, I haven't worn that one I got (similar to this) much yet. It almost seems rather formal to me. But when we had a couple things to do around campus, I thought it would be a good time to experiment:

Not the best face shot of me but I really liked this outfit. Another obsession might be leggings (which I'll get to later). Black, of course! I know all the fashion experts insist you get basic/neutral colors for outfits so you can wear any color for your accessories, but I prefer the opposite. Almost all the accessories I buy, with the exception of jewels and stones, are black or gray. I like wearing them as accessories more than I do outfits, which I LOVE to be colorful. I like to have vintage pieces and throw them into a very modern outfit. Actually, this skirt is pretty 60s too. I'm not against different decades being put together either, unless you're going to a themed party and you show up with a silver flapper down on with Doc Martens and neon legwarmers.

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